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Give Us This Day Our Daily Love    versione testuale
The book of Pope Francis’ encounter with the engaged couples

One month after Pope Francis’ historic meeting with the engaged couples—on February 14th, Feast of St. Valentine—, the book “Dacci oggi il nostro amore quotidiano” (Give us this day our daily love), containing the testimonies and questions addressed to the Holy Father by the three engaged couples as well as the Holy Father’s answers, has been published.
This third volume in the series “Famiglia in cammino,” published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and edited by our Pontifical Council for the Family, also contains a Presentation by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia. Together with the texts, there are pictures taken on the morning lived in St Peter’s Square in the midst of singing, joy and witnessing. The 48-page volume costs 5 euros.
Copyrights 2012. All rights reserved Pontificium Consilium pro Familia