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Neither Opposition nor Subordination   versione testuale
During the meeting with the Bishops of Puerto Rico on their Ad Limina Visit, the Pope spoke about the relationship between man and woman, warning about gender ideology

Continue strengthening family ministry. That is what the Pope asked in his speech, on June 8th, of the seven Puerto Rican Bishops, on their Ad Limina Visit. For Francis, there are in fact several social problems that affect the family on the island that is in the process of becoming the 51st State of the USA: "the difficult economic situation, migration, domestic violence, unemployment, drug trafficking, and corruption. These are realities that generate concern."
However, globally, the biggest danger that could really destroy the harmony between man and woman, and their marriage, is the gender theory, as the Holy Father recalled: "Let me draw your attention to the value and the beauty of marriage. The complementarity of man and woman, the crown of God's creation, is being challenged by the gender ideology in the name of a freer and more just society. The differences between man and woman are not meant to oppose them or subordinate one to the other, but for communion and generation, always in the "image and likeness" of God. Without a mutual commitment—the Pope added—both are even incapable of understanding themselves in depth. The sacrament of marriage is a sign of God's love for humanity and of Christ's dedication to his Bride, the Church. Protect this treasure: it is one of the 'most important for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean'."
The Pope then invited the Bishops of Puerto Rico to avoid "divisions and clashes," by always opting for "construction and collaboration." For this reason, "know—said Francis—how to take distance from every form of ideology and the political trends that make you lose both time and the real passion for the Kingdom of God." The Pope finally urged those present to have a more welcoming attitude, as fathers, towards their priests, with the hope that the care for vocational ministry will always increase. 
The entire address (ITA)
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