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Saintly Spouses 
23/10/2014 The Family at the Service of the Common Good Msgr. Laffitte supervisor of a doctoral thesis that investigates the important rapport between the institution of the family and civil consortium, expressed in an exemplary way in the lives of the blessed spouses Beltrame Quattrocchi |
19/11/2012 Nasce ad Angri il Santuario della Famiglia Non solo l’unica chiesa al mondo dedicata ai genitori di santa Teresa di Lisieux, entrambi beatificati nel 2008, ma addirittura un santuario che vuole essere un punto di riferimento per tutte le famiglie. |
21/05/2012 Family Miracle The story of Pietro Schilirò and the beatification of the Martin spousesThe miracle of Pietro, who according to science was doomed to die and instead, "to the amazement of doctors, nurses and also ours", says his mother, began breathing on his own, allowed the beatification of the Martin couple, which took place in October 2008. |