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Activities of the PCF   versione testuale
Pope Francis’ Indications  28/11/2013 Pope Francis’ Indications
A book with all the texts of the Pilgrimage of the Families (on October 26th and 27th 2013)

One month after the celebration of the event, this Instant book, edited by Father Gianfranco Grieco, represents Pope Francis’ first...

A Bible in Every Family  27/11/2013 A Bible in Every Family
In Moscow, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia spoke about the importance of the translation of the sacred text
This is a Grave Moment  25/11/2013 This is a Grave Moment
In Gabon, the Plenary Assembly of the Association of Bishops’ Conferences of Central Africa on the Family has just concluded
The Rediscovery of the Father  21/11/2013 The Rediscovery of the Father
Conclusion of the Interdisciplinary Conference on the Crisis in the Alliance between the Generations promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Family (15 and 16 November 2013).
Together experiencing the Joy of Faith  20/11/2013 Together experiencing the Joy of Faith
Testimonies from the Pilgrimage with Pope Francis on St. Peter’s Square
The Testimonies to the Pope  19/11/2013 The Testimonies to the Pope
The families from round the world met with Pope Francis, during the Pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Peter (October 25th and 26th, 2013), and shared their experience
The Beauty of the Gospel of the Family  19/11/2013 The Beauty of the Gospel of the Family
The testimony of John and Claire Grabowski, from the U.S., members of the Pontifical Council for the Family
The Family: The Sacrament of Grace  18/11/2013 The Family: The Sacrament of Grace
The Ecumenical Meeting on the family, a step forward on the common path of the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church
Christians defend the Family  15/11/2013 Christians defend the Family
IInterview with Metropolitan Hilarion, on the occasion of the Ecumenical Meeting on the family promoted by the Dicastery
Orthodox and Catholics Together for the Family  14/11/2013 Orthodox and Catholics Together for the Family
The Joint Communiqué of the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Department for External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate
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