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Activities of the PCF   versione testuale

The Pontifical Council for the Family declares that there is no basis whatsoever in the alleged news that a document is being prepared concerning the reception of Holy Communion by the divorced and remarried. Vatican City, April 25th 2013

Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia met Pope Francis  24/04/2013 Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia met Pope Francis
The audience, on April 20th , was an occasion to speak about Family
In the Land of the Franciscan Family  24/04/2013 In the Land of the Franciscan Family
The Bishops of Umbria come to the Pontifical Council for the Family on their ad limina visit
The Family, what an enterprise!  19/04/2013 The Family, what an enterprise!
The series "Dialogues for the family" organized by our Dicastery has started
Conciliating truth and reception  18/04/2013 Conciliating truth and reception
The Bishops of the Triveneto region at the Dicastery for the Family on their ad limina visit

Msgr. Paglia welcomed them with great cordiality for a short and friendly meeting, rich in content and invited them first of all to tell about the experiences, initiatives and issues related to the subject of family ministry in their region, with these words: «Listening to you is like smelling − to paraphrase the words of Pope Francis − the scent of your local churches»...

At the Well of Living Water  18/04/2013 At the Well of Living Water
The House of Families in Nazareth presented at a Press Conference
Message to Cardinal Sean O'Malley  17/04/2013 Message to Cardinal Sean O'Malley
Prayers and condolences of the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia
 The Family: the first enterprise  12/04/2013 "The Family: the first enterprise"
On Wednesday, April 17th, at 15.30, the "Dialogues for the family" organized by the Pontifical Council will begin
A beautiful and joyful Church  11/04/2013 A beautiful and joyful Church
The Bishops of Tuscany at the Dicastery, on Tuesday April 9th, for the ad limina visit
The dawn of a new era  10/04/2013 The dawn of a new era
Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia presents the cycle of "Dialogues for the family"
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