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Activities of the PCF   versione testuale
More Families - More Joy  28/01/2015 More Families - More Joy
Many moments of conviviality and sincere friendship characterized the Conference organized by the PCF with the family movements
Opening of the new  Documents  section  28/01/2015 Opening of the new "Documents" section
Starting today, dozens of official documents on the family and life, chosen among the conciliar documents and papal texts, are directly available on our Dicastery's website
The Essential Keys  27/01/2015 The Essential Keys
Welcoming, support and fraternal life: the Roussy couple's "recipe" for the Gospel of the family
Families Rooted in the Love of God  27/01/2015 Families Rooted in the Love of God
On Saturday, January 24th, the three-day Conference of the Pontifical Council for the Family, which gave voice to over eighty of the world's family movements and associations, ended with a wealth of suggestions and testimonies for the next Synod.
Body to Body  26/01/2015 Body to Body
Mr. and Mrs. Dominguez present the pastoral perspectives of proclaiming the Gospel to spouses, the divorced who have remarried, and to homosexuals
Fruit of the Council  24/01/2015 Fruit of the Council
"The family associations and movements are, for the most part, a result of the Second Vatican Council. Recognizing this ecclesial origin and remaining faithfully on the path shown by the Church in the course of these 50 years is the task which we are called."
Family and Life  24/01/2015 Family and Life
The report of Joan Clements, director of World Organization Ovulation Method Billings International
Between Vocation and Mission  23/01/2015 Between Vocation and Mission
Francesco Belletti, President of the Forum of Family Associations, presents "Listening to the context and the challenges of the family"
Looking for Solutions  23/01/2015 Looking for Solutions
Cardinal Baldisseri opens the Conference of the family and life movements: "Deepening the Family's Mission"
The Family in All the Languages of the World  23/01/2015 The Family in All the Languages of the World
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