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Activities of the PCF   versione testuale
Between Vocation and Mission  20/01/2015 Between Vocation and Mission
An International Conference of family and life movements, groups and associations, take place in Rome from January 22nd to 24th
Investing in the Heritage of Humanity  16/12/2014 Investing in the Heritage of Humanity
Msgr. Carlos Simon Vazquez inaugurated the academic year of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Messina: In his opening address, he encouraged developing a theology of the family in tune with the times and the proposal for an integral family ministry.
Spain sets out again from the Synod  09/12/2014 Spain sets out again from the Synod
Archbishop Paglia also attended the meeting of the diocesan delegates for the family and life that took place in Bilbao
Do Not Separate the Family and Life  01/12/2014 Do Not Separate the Family and Life
The Second Study Seminar on the results of the Synod promoted by the PCF
Archbishop Paglia in Lebanon  18/11/2014 Archbishop Paglia in Lebanon
The President of the Pontifical Council took part in the Assembly of Patriarchs and Bishops on the family
A New Springtime  03/11/2014 A New Springtime
Archbishop Paglia from Madrid: "May families abandon every form of self-enclosure and put themselves in a state of mission"
The PCF Presents Events for the Year of the Synod  17/09/2014 The PCF Presents Events for the Year of the Synod
Meetings, conferences, seminars, and prayer vigils. Msgr. Paglia and the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Msgr. Chaput, commented on the upcoming events sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family
The Latin American Family  18/07/2014 The Latin American Family
Continent’s First Congress of Family Pastoral, in Panama, 4-9 August
The Apple App Arrives  16/07/2014 The Apple App Arrives
The Pontifical Council for the Family makes its official entrance onto the Apple platform
Attention to Exasperated Individualism  11/07/2014 Attention to Exasperated Individualism
Archbishop Paglia meets the Bishops of Central Africa
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