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Activities of the PCF   versione testuale
The Light of the Family  11/01/2014 The Light of the Family
The Message of the President of the Dicastery, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, for the Feast of the Holy Family in Peru
Start with Mary and Peace!  01/01/2014 Start with Mary and Peace!
The Commentary on the Scripture Readings of January 1st, 2014, and the Prayer of the President, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia
This Child is the Savior  20/12/2013 This Child is the Savior
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia comments on the Christmas Gospel in the book "La Parola di Dio ogni giorno" (The Word of God Each Day)
On the Feast of St. Valentine, with Pope Francis!  18/12/2013 On the Feast of St. Valentine, with Pope Francis!
Next February 14th, a meeting of engaged couples with Pope Francis in the Vatican, promoted by our Dicastery
Here are the Children’s Drawings!  16/12/2013 Here are the Children’s Drawings!
On Flickr: a wide selection of pictures drawn by the youngest to present their families to Pope Francis
The Families of the World to the Families of Syria  11/12/2013 The Families of the World to the Families of Syria
The Family: A Gift from God and a Commitment  10/12/2013 The Family: A Gift from God and a Commitment
The last public interventions, in 2013, of the Dicastery’s Secretary, Msgr. Jean Laffitte, in France (on December 7th, 10th and 11th)
The Family is “Social Capital”  04/12/2013 The Family is “Social Capital”
A Study Seminar on ethics and economics in the Vatican, sponsored by the Association E.DI.VA.
Star of the New Evangelization  03/12/2013 Star of the New Evangelization
Pilgrimage and Meeting at Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico)

The Pontifical Commission for Latin America, along with the Basilica of Guadalupe, the Knights of Columbus, the Higher Institute of Guadeloupian Studies and the Archdiocese Primatial of Mexico has convened a pilgrimage and meeting at the Basilica of Guadalupe, which will attended by Rev. Father Joseph William Gutiérrez, an Official of our Dicastery...

At the Sources of Faith  02/12/2013 At the Sources of Faith
Msgr. Jean Laffitte meets directors of French Christian Education
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