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Theology of the Family   versione testuale
The Gift and the Task of Brotherhood  23/02/2015 The Gift and the Task of Brotherhood
Pope Francis’ catechesis on brotherhood gives us a beautiful new page for meditation on family experience.
The Lexicon of the Family  19/02/2015 The Lexicon of the Family
Monsignor Melina: "Without the constitutive relations that give us identity, man is a fragile individual"
Faith and Marriage  16/02/2015 Faith and Marriage
In an interview with I.Media, Bishop Laffitte speaks about the nullity of marriage, the preparation of engaged couples for the reception of the sacrament of marriage and the Synod
The Christian Family for Life and Salvation  13/02/2015 The Christian Family for Life and Salvation
Second Note of Reflection on the Pope’s Catechesis
Men  become  fathers  06/02/2015 Men "become" fathers
An editorial on the Pope's catechesis
Marriage, the Eucharist, Children: New Challenges  29/12/2014 Marriage, the Eucharist, Children: New Challenges
In January, in Toulouse, at a two-day Symposium on the family, Bishop Laffitte will be one of the speakers
Marriage is the primordial sacrament  19/11/2014 Marriage is the primordial sacrament
Bishop Jean Laffitte reaffirms the centrality of the teaching of St. John Paul II on Christian marriage
A Road to the World  10/11/2014 A Road to the World
Cardinal Müller’s lecture at the Conference on the "Complementarity of Man and Woman," in the Vatican, on November 17th-19th
The Gospel of Marriage  29/10/2014 The Gospel of Marriage
Cardinal Barbarin's Inaugural Lecture introduced the new academic year at the John Paul II Pontifical Institute
The University of the Family  23/10/2014 The University of the Family
"The Gospel of Marriage" will open, on October 28th, the events at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
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