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From Local Churches   versione testuale
Spotlight on Family Ministry  24/03/2014 Spotlight on Family Ministry
The meeting of the Bishops of the Argentine Episcopal Conference in Preparation for Next October’s Extraordinary Synod
Gender in Schools: An Attack against the Family  22/03/2014 Gender in Schools: An Attack against the Family
An interview with Msgr. Franciszek Jan Wątroba, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conference for the Family on the occasion of the ad limina visit
Great Challenges for a Small Church  20/03/2014 Great Challenges for a Small Church
An interview with Msgr. Christo Proykov, President of the Bulgarian Bishops' Conference, focused especially on the relationship between the family and evangelization
The Family Starting again from the Young  19/03/2014 The Family Starting again from the Young
An interview with Msgr. Ladislav Hučko, Apostolic Exarch for Catholics of Byzantine Rite living in the Czech Republic
From Africa: New Hope for the Family  17/03/2014 From Africa: New Hope for the Family
The secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Jean Laffitte, takes stock of the values in the Congolese society
Haiti: Flight from Responsibility  15/03/2014 Haiti: Flight from Responsibility
The neo-cardinal Chibly Langlois, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Haiti, tells about the Country’s dramatic situation
Mourning and Disability: Assistance to Family Members  10/03/2014 Mourning and Disability: Assistance to Family Members
In London, on April 8th, a seminar will be held on the practices for supporting and accompanying the mentally disabled in relation with death
Japan: New Family Ministry  07/03/2014 Japan: New Family Ministry
Il 1° Cardinale di Haiti  27/02/2014 Il 1° Cardinale di Haiti
Minutes of the meeting between H. E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia and H. E. Cardinal, Chibly Langlois Bishop of Les Cayes (Haiti)
Moldova: A Sign for the Families  20/02/2014 Moldova: A Sign for the Families
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