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From Local Churches   versione testuale
Let Us Defend Jesus’ Family  10/12/2013 Let Us Defend Jesus’ Family
LThe Pastoral Letter of the Slovak Bishops on the first Sunday of Advent, for the defense of life and the family
A  Memorandum  for the Family  09/12/2013 A "Memorandum" for the Family
This document of the Bishops of the Baltic States was signed on November 26th, 2013
The Social Value of the Family  22/10/2013 The Social Value of the Family
Research published by the Institute of Family Sciences of the University of Navarra, Spain
If the Family is the Suburbs  01/10/2013 If the Family is the Suburbs
The Family in the work at the Assembly of the Canadian Bishops
The Family at the Heart of the Church  27/09/2013 The Family at the Heart of the Church
The first Conference hosted by the Irish Bishops’ Conference, on Saturday, September 28th
The Precious Gift of the Family  26/09/2013 The Precious Gift of the Family
Over 60 thousand people at the March for Life in Slovakia, on Monday, September 23rd
A place of holiness for spouses  23/09/2013 A place of holiness for spouses
At Avignon, in France, the diocesan Festival of the Family dedicated to the blessed couple Martin
Together for Peace  10/09/2013 Together for Peace
A joint document of the European Bishops to say "NO" to war
The Person is the Supreme Rule  09/09/2013 The Person is the Supreme Rule
The Bishops of New Zealand present a proposal for the Preamble to the proposed Constitution
True Love in Chastity  05/09/2013 True Love in Chastity
In Manila, on September 7th, students and politicians gather in defense of life and the family
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