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From Local Churches   versione testuale
The World’s Greatest Treasure  05/09/2013 The World’s Greatest Treasure
On September 7th and 8th in Paraguay, the Congress of the Family Pastoral of Asunción
For a United Nigeria  03/09/2013 For a United Nigeria
The Nigerian Bishops and representatives of Christianity and Islam, united in defense of children, call for peace
Rebuilding the Foundation  02/09/2013 Rebuilding the Foundation
In the difficult social situation of some regions in Mexico, Msgr. Alberto Suárez Inda, Archbishop of Morelia, calls to active hope
The Family: Guardian of the Word  29/08/2013 The Family: Guardian of the Word
On September 1st the VIII Day for Care of Creation will be celebrated. The Message of the Italian Bishops.
Forgiveness: God’s Tenderness  28/08/2013 Forgiveness: God’s Tenderness
A Vigil of families in Umbria, on August 1st, opened the Celebrations of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron of Italy
The Family: Hope and Future  09/08/2013 The Family: Hope and Future
Towards the 47th Social Week of the Italian Catholics, in Turin, from 12 to 15 September 2013
Bolivia for Life and the Family  07/08/2013 Bolivia for Life and the Family
Laypeople defend marriage and the dignity of the human person
Not a Relic, but rather the Foundation!  05/08/2013 Not a Relic, but rather the Foundation!
The Bishops of the Slovak Republic speak out on the dangers of confusion about the family
Papua New Guinea, Adolescence at Stake  01/08/2013 Papua New Guinea, Adolescence at Stake
The Bishops’ Conference sounds the alarm over education for early pregnancy

The Catholic Church of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands has sounded the alarm over the growing problem of teenage pregnancies and the abandonment of unwanted children. This concerns nearly 15 % of the girls. The Bishops complain that they are left alone in the difficult task of education and prevention. «There are serious shortcomings in the education system...

The Family is Cuba’s hope!  31/07/2013 The Family is Cuba’s hope!
The first meeting on Family Pastoral Ministry of the Episcopate of Cuba has just been concluded
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