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From Local Churches   versione testuale
One Marriage, Two Religions  13/01/2016 One Marriage, Two Religions
A new document on Muslim-Christian marriages has just been published by the Church in France.
Family Celebrations  08/12/2015 Family Celebrations
The initiatives proposed by the Family and Life delegation of the Archdiocese of Toledo for Advent and Christmas
Kneel down before Families  02/12/2015 Kneel down before Families
The Filipino Bishops' Pastoral Letter in view of the Jubilee of Mercy and the Year dedicated to the family
For the New Evangelization  27/11/2015 For the New Evangelization
Havana hosts the post-congress for family pastoral workers: challenges and lines of action for the family today
A Promise Kept  20/11/2015 A Promise Kept
Archbishop Paglia meets with Syrian families in Damascus
KOREA: The Dreams of Separated Families Come True  03/11/2015 KOREA: The Dreams of Separated Families Come True
Helping Couples in Crisis  03/11/2015 Helping Couples in Crisis
The association Encounters of Married Couples has organized a seminar open to all its facilitators in Eastern Europe with the goal of providing increasingly better care for couples in difficulty
Waking Up from Sleep  02/10/2015 Waking Up from Sleep
The Diocese of Vigevano has presented booklets to accompany the faithful during the VIII World Meeting of Families and the Ordinary Synod
The Family and Migrants: A Double Responsibility  11/09/2015 The Family and Migrants: A Double Responsibility
The Swiss Bishops gathered for their Plenary Assembly are preparing for the Synod and ask Europe and the richer nations to welcome with greater openness those who are living dramatic situations
Reading to Grow in the Family  09/09/2015 Reading to Grow in the Family
The 27th edition of the Catholic Book Expo is scheduled in Argentina, from 31 August to 13 September
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