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From Local Churches   versione testuale
The Importance of the Laity in Africa  27/04/2015 The Importance of the Laity in Africa
The Bishops of Namibia and Lesotho, received by the PCF on their ad Limina visit, tell about their countries' problems and strengths
Beautiful Love  27/04/2015 Beautiful Love
The pastoral letter of the Bishop of Gozo, Mario Grech, on the Gospel of sexuality
The  Marriage March  26/04/2015 The "Marriage March"
The National Organization for Marriage has scheduled a March through the streets of Washington for April 25th to defend the union between man and woman
Benin against Polygamy  25/04/2015 Benin against Polygamy
The Bishops of this African country, guests of the PCF during their ad Limina visit, are united against the biggest obstacle to Christian family life
The Basis for the Future  24/04/2015 The Basis for the Future
The Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of Cameroon, focused on the rediscovery of the "meaning of marriage and the family," has ended
Beauty to Be Shown  22/04/2015 Beauty to Be Shown
Archbishop Paglia urges the Bishops of Kenya on their Ad Limina Visit to "teach feelings, respect for women, the sense of motherhood and fatherhood"
Family Mission  08/04/2015 Family Mission
At the Shrine of Aparecida, in Brazil, a pilgrimage and a symposium on the theme of Philadelphia's World Meeting
An Irreplaceable Value  01/04/2015 An Irreplaceable Value
The family, the Synod and life were at the center of the Plenary Assembly of the Polish Bishops' Conference
Searching for True Dignity  31/03/2015 Searching for True Dignity
Archbishop Mbilingi speaks out against gender ideology: "It has destructive consequences for the family"
A Church that has survived thanks to its families  24/03/2015 A Church that has survived thanks to its families
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