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The Family: Subject of Evangelization   versione testuale
“Il matrimonio, costituisce in se stesso un Vangelo, una Buona Notizia per il mondo di oggi”
Lo scardinamento della famiglia è forse il problema numero uno della società contemporanea, anche se pochi se ne rendono conto. Non così la Chiesa, “esperta in umanità”. Per questo non possiamo tacere. Non perché siamo tradizionalisti o conservatori di un istituto superato. Qui è in questione il futuro stesso della società. Semmai siamo “conservatori dell’avvenire”, appunto, del futuro della società. 
 Trying  to be a Family  23/07/2013 "Trying" to be a Family
Interview with Giuseppe Bigi, director of "Casa Betania"
Together, United in Christ  18/07/2013 Together, United in Christ
An interview with the couple Peter and Christiane Annergan, Board members of the international associations of laity
Charity has a Family  16/07/2013 Charity has a Family
History 7: “Casa Betania”, where the family is the guardian of its neighbors
Every Good is possible together  09/07/2013 Every Good is possible together
An Entreview with Rosana María Cappella and Héctor Francisco Amor, Alicia Pontoriero and Alfredo Mucchiut
I listen, therefore I’m in Communion  02/07/2013 I listen, therefore I’m in Communion
History 6: Listening to Others in order to heal Them. "Family Counselors for the Family"
With the light of the Spirit  11/06/2013 With the light of the Spirit
Interview with the protagonists of the Famenal experience
The Alliance of Families  04/06/2013 The Alliance of Families
History 5: Famenal, families evangelizers of other families. An alliance that creates community.
Love and Truth  07/05/2013 Love and Truth
Interview with Emmanuele et Bénédicte Odin
The Art of Living as a Couple  30/04/2013 The Art of Living as a Couple
History 4:“Love and Truth”: a training ground for inexperienced hearts
The Giocatechismo  23/04/2013 The Giocatechismo
An interview with the couple Giorgio and Monica Rosatti
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