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Benedict XVI   versione testuale
Audience to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See for the Presentation of the New Year Greetings  08/01/2013 Audience to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See for the Presentation of the New Year Greetings
The Pope: If You Want Peace, Respect Human Life
Being Concerned Like Mary and Joseph  07/01/2013 Being Concerned Like Mary and Joseph
BENEDICT XVI at the Angelus on the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth. St. Peter’s Square, Sunday, December 30th, 2012

The concern of Mary and Joseph for Jesus is like that of every parent who educates a child, introducing him to life and to understanding reality. Today, therefore, a special prayer should be addressed to the Lord for all the families of the world.

Le grandi parole sulla famiglia  28/12/2012 Le grandi parole sulla famiglia
Benedict XVI to the Roman Curia, 21 December 2012

The great joy with which families from all over the world congregated in Milan indicates that, despite all impressions to the contrary, the family is still strong and vibrant today.

The Family Builds Peace  28/12/2012 The Family Builds Peace

“A message that is worth reading.” This is voiced by chorus of opinions of those who, having gone beyond the obstacle of misleading and subtle titles (especially in Italy, ANSA, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 ore, and others), simply went to the Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI for the World Day of Peace XLVI and found practically a small but deep encyclical. These are then the highly significant passages the Pope's Message on the family.

New Enchiridion of the family with the writings and discourses of Benedict XVI  21/12/2012 New Enchiridion of the family with the writings and discourses of Benedict XVI

A new “Enchiridion of the family” was presented at the VII World Meeting of Families in Milan. The text contains the most recent teachings of the Church on the issues of family and human life, including writings and discourses from the last years of the pontificate of John Paul II as well as, for the first time, those of Benedict XVI, from 17 May 2005 to 31 December 2011.

Echi dalla Colombia  21/12/2012 Echi dalla Colombia
Abbiamo chiesto ai nostri membri in Colombia, Humberto e Isabel Diaz, un commento sul libro del Papa recentemente pubblicato, L'Infanzia di Gesù.

Una delle nostre prime reazioni alla lettura del libro L'Infanzia di Gesù era una profonda gratitudine a Dio, perché abbiamo potuto riconoscere ancora una volta il suo grande amore di Padre misericordioso.

In the family we talk about God  21/12/2012 In the family we talk about God

During the catechesis on November 28th, dedicated to the Year of Faith, Pope Benedict XVI spoke in a significant passage about the family, defined as the “the first school for communicating the faith to the new generations.” Here is the beautiful text of the Holy Father.

A gift from the Pope  20/12/2012 A gift from the Pope
The infancy narratives Jesus of Nazareth
Un segno che parla di Dio con forza  08/10/2012 Un segno che parla di Dio con forza

Nell’omelia tenuta durate la Messa di apertura del Sinodo sulla nuova evangelizzazione, il Papa ha dedicato un passaggio al tema del matrimonio, commentando i testi biblici appena proclamati.

 Difendere la famiglia è profezia  25/09/2012 "Difendere la famiglia è profezia"

Ricevendo un folto gruppo di presuli francesi, il Papa ha ribadito come la famiglia sia oggi “minacciata in molti luoghi, come conseguenza di una concezione della natura umana che si dimostra manchevole.

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