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Charter of the Rights of the Family 11  20/11/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 11
Article 10
Millions Say  Yes to Life  12/11/2013 Millions Say "Yes to Life"
The European Campaign “ONE OF US” in defense of life from conception closed with great success
Charter of the Rights of the Family 10  30/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 10
Article 9
Charter of the Rights of the Family 9  28/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 9
Article 8
Charter of the Rights of the Family 8  23/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 8
Article 7
Charter of the Rights of the Family 7  18/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 7
Article 6
Charter of the Rights of the Family 6  16/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 6
Article 5

Parents have the right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions, taking into account the cultural traditions of the family which favor the good and the dignity of the child...

Charter of the Rights of the Family 5  11/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 5
Article 4
Charter of the Rights of the Family 4  09/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 4
Article 3
Charter of the Rights of the Family 3  02/10/2013 Charter of the Rights of the Family 3
Article 2
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