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To Avoid Disaster  12/06/2013 To Avoid Disaster
In Poland, hundreds of thousands of citizens in the streets to defend life
The natural law is the foundation  11/06/2013 The natural law is the foundation
In a meeting with young people, Msgr. Jean Laffitte, explains the dangers of the theory of “gender”
The Anglican Church Defends Marriage  10/06/2013 The Anglican Church Defends Marriage
The appeal of the Primate, Justin Welby, against the “Marriage Bill”
One of Us in Europe  06/05/2013 One of Us in Europe
The collection of signatures in defense of the embryo continues
Perfect Equality is not Justice  15/04/2013 Perfect Equality is not Justice
Uruguay has approved the "egalitarian marriage". The Bishops have issued a warning: "The children are in jeopardy!"
For a Truly Human Love  04/04/2013 For a Truly Human Love
Bishop Laffitte on the marches in favor of marriage between a man and a woman

Great echoes continue to inspire the demonstrations of March 24th in Paris and March 26th in Washington in favor of marriage between a man and a woman. The Secretary of the Dicastery, Msgr. Jean Laffitte gave an interview a few days ago in which he explained some key points of the question. The text, published by several French and American agencies, is available in the version provided by the Catholic News Agency.

A March for Marriage  26/03/2013 A March for Marriage
Today, in Washington, for the defense of Family. The Message from the President of the Pontifical Counsil for the Family

A “March for Family”, today, the 26th of march, Is promoted in Washington, with the participation of families of mothers and fathers and sons from all the federal States, catholic priests and evangelistic ministers, to defend the value of the marriage between a man and a woman...

The Family Between Power and Law  15/02/2013 The Family Between Power and Law
Msgr. Paglia's Intervention at the International Congress of Roman Law
The true meaning of marriage  13/02/2013 The true meaning of marriage
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales Statement to Members of Parliament on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill
Peru decriminalize sexual relationships of adolescents  21/01/2013 Peru decriminalize sexual relationships of adolescents
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