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A small guide for enthusiastic surfers   versione testuale

On this site we talk about love, so start like God did: open your eyes for a few seconds and enjoy the images of “Jara - the Spectacle of Life,” now in a pure Christmas version, that open the renovated site of the Pontifical Council for Family and show, with a weekly rhythm,  the mystery of life and love. You cannot but agree with Him in saying that it “is very good” (Gen 1:31).

Then choose where to start.

You can begin with the words dedicated to the family of Nazareth by Benedict XVI, author par excellence of the section Church, which includes several channels, dedicated to the rich reflections and varied pastoral actions promoted by Christians all over the world on the reality of the family.

Or let yourselves be seized by the importance of social and legal issues related to the contemporary reality of the family gathered in the section society.

If you're struck by the profoundly human value of love and life, go without hesitating to the section culture, ready to open wide your eyes, mind and thoughts.

And, finally, if after all you’re still primarily interested in people, their faces and their stories, joyful and tiring, do not hesitate to begin with them and with those who are responsible for them.


If you've reached the end of the homepage (perhaps after having devoted some attention to one of several videos proposed) you have probably discovered that the 25 thematic channels, progressively articulated on this site entirely in four languages (because the family concerns everyone, and the site is addressed to all), may also interest surfers in search of ideas, news, subsidies and stories.


The Pontifical Council for the Family (click, of course, on Who we are to learn more) cares for the fruitful beauty of family love. We could not talk about and share with you a more exciting topic.

Copyrights 2012. All rights reserved Pontificium Consilium pro Familia