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The digital world, at the service of the Family   versione testuale

The new webpage of the Pontifical Council for the Family is beginning to see the light of day this Christmas. It is an important commitment for this organism of the Holy See to be present in the digital world with dedication, so as to serve marriage, the family and life in the world.
With his example and enlightening words, our Holy Father continuously invites the faithful of the Church to work towards evangelization with increased dedication, which is itself, the nature of the Church (Cf. Pope Benedict XVI’s Homily of the Holy Mass for the Opening of the Synod of Bishops, October 7, 2012). At present, the work of evangelization calls for innovative ways of proclaiming the saving truth of the Gospel to our new social settings, where men and women interact and live today.
Among such contemporary settings, we recognize the vast world of modern communications, which as pointed out by the 13th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, has acquired today such importance that it has been classified by the bishops as the society of information. As No. 6 of the Lineamenta says: “Today, no place in the world is beyond reach and, consequently, unaffected by the media and digital culture, which is fast becoming the ‘forum’ of public life and social interaction.” Modern means of communication constitute a rich source for the family and a great opportunity for the New Evangelization, as our Holy Father pointed when he stated that the “development of the new technologies and the larger digital world represents a great resource for humanity … But this development likewise represents a great opportunity for believers.” (Pope Benedict XVI’s Message on the 44th World Communications Day, May 16, 2010).
Indeed, the ultimate goal of our webpage springs from the Pontifical Council’s urge to evangelize and make itself present in the world by having a wider outreach and thus, the ability to convey the message with renewed vigour, new ways and a new means of communication. With the help of prominent experts from all over the world, this new service of the Pontifical Council for the Family becomes now a reality within Internet via interactive web-pages which allow Christian families from all over, as well as people of good will, to easily access the various services available in a variety of languages: doctrinal documents of the Magisterium of the Church on the immutable truths of Marriage, of the Family and of Human Life; or other services which offer important guidelines and information on education and culture, ideal for parents and teachers in their important and respective educational roles. Additionally, a wide source of studies, reports and relevant bibliographies will help guide and enlighten families on the various legal and social issues which relate to the natural institution of the family, and which promote the dignity of human life, from the moment of conception to its natural end.
All this, as well as countless thematic courses relating to the theology, catechesis and spirituality of marriage and the family, provide for a vast source of formation accessible on line to all the lay faithful who dedicate themselves to the pastoral care of the family and human life .
But above all, individual web searchers will no doubt perceive from the Pontifical Council’s website the human and supernatural beauty of the Gospel of the Family and of Life, and how these are taught and lived out by the Church through the lives of a vast multitude of Christian families. In the same way, we wish to illustrate the presence of the Holy See and how it can also become, through means of communication, a pastoral service in defence of the basic institution of society and of the Church.
We would like to point out that this new website of the Pontifical Council within the digital world and at the service of families, is not just a unilateral movement of outreach, but it involves too, an opportunity for others to communicate with our website using it as a platform to ask questions, make suggestions or even receive witnesses of Christian life and family life, all in one complete unity of Christian spiritual goods, which will everyday inform and update the communion of God’s faithful via this wonderful means of communication.
This will be our greatest and most valued treasure: the witness of so many families, which as Benedict XVI declared: “are opportunities to grow in love” (Pope Benedict XVI’s Homily of the Holy Massof the 7th World Meeting of Families, in Milan, June 3, 2012)
In order to advance further along the road already indicated by the Holy Father, we offer our internet initiative with a spirit of service, with hope and trust, and we place the fruits of this initiative under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of all Families.
A very holy Christmas to you all!
Mgr. Carlos Simón Vázquez
Under- Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family
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