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In India Violence against Women is Increasing 
Bishop Machado after the Rape of yet another Girl: There must be Education against Violence
 “In families, there is a lack of education in respect for life,” said the Bishop of Vasai (North India), Mons. Felix Anthony Machado, after yet another incident of rape, this time of a 17-year old girl, just days after the violence against a 23-year old student, who died of the injuries received during the aggression. These cases have led, in India, to the proposal of a law against sexual violence. “Today,” the Bishop explained to Vatican Radio, “Indian families are influenced by globalization and young people are not given an education in values and ethics. The world has become excessively oriented to consumerism and to moral relativism. And in this case, it seems to me that the fault lies not only with those who commit violence but also with a society that all too often undervalues the life of women and girls. However, not all India is like this.” The Catholic Church in India is committed to ensuring that this mindset and this kind of behavior combatted. “The Church has always spoken against the enemies of life.”
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