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The Acts of the Meeting in Milan Have Been Published 
 776 pages divided into two parts: the first part contains the texts that preceded the VII World Meeting of Families (30 May - 3 June 2012): Benedict XVI’s letter (23 August 2010); the press conference on 22 May 2012, with the interventions made by Cardinals Antonelli and Scola and by Prof. Donati; the discourses pronounced by the Pope in Milan in the course of the pastoral visit (1-2 June) and during the two historic meetings on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June, in Bresso; the second, more extensive part contains the texts of all the interventions and roundtables on the occasion of the theological-Pastoral congress on: “Family: Work and Celebration” held on 30-31 May and 1 June.
The texts are published in the original languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, and German), inscribed in the historical context of the family torn between work and celebration (the Lord’s Day) and projected into the future. This volume of the Acts of Milan 2012 is not to be kept on the shelves of the library, but on the desk, where it is possible to consult what was said and done in the course of a worldwide event that has left its mark in the minds and hearts of thousands of people.
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