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Pope Francis   versione testuale
 This is not a Fiction   17/09/2014 "This is not a Fiction"
The Pope's homily at the wedding celebration of twenty couples from the Diocese of Rome
Face to face with Pope Francis  05/09/2014 Face to face with Pope Francis
On September 28th, during "The Blessing of Long Life", grandparents and the elderly will have the opportunity to talk directly with the Pope
At the Center, Persons and Dignity  04/09/2014 At the Center, Persons and Dignity
The Pope's appeal for the families of Terni, who risk to lose their jobs. Archbishop Paglia: "Closeness and concern"
The Family is the Center of Love  25/08/2014 The Family is the Center of Love
Pope Francis’ message to the First Latin American Congress on Pastoral Care of the Family, underway in Panama until 9 August
The Christian Marriage  09/06/2014 The Christian Marriage
Fidelity, perseverance and fruitfulness are, according to Pope Francis, the ingredients of an authentic Christian union
Marriage According to Francis  04/06/2014 Marriage According to Francis
The Pope's Homily at Santa Marta: Christian marriage is faithful, persevering and fruitful
The Family and Human Life Present in the Pope’s Travels  30/05/2014 The Family and Human Life Present in the Pope’s Travels
During his time in the Holy Land, Francis has given a particular focus in his public statements to the fundamental cell of society and its components
Saint John Paul II was the Pope of the family  28/04/2014 Saint John Paul II was the Pope of the family
From the homily of Pope Francis during the canonization of John XXIII e John Paul II
Families describe their experience of the Pope from East Europa  25/04/2014 Families describe their experience of the Pope from East Europa
In a video exclusive by the PCF, see their many stories of esteem and affection

In a video recounting the original and exclusive testimonies of families who were fortunate enough to know Pope John Paul II, they share their own unforgettable moments.

John XXIII and the Family  25/04/2014 John XXIII and the Family
A small reflection upon the magisterium of the Holy Father Roncalli

Even though the family was not one of the principle themes of Saint John XXIII’s pontificate, there are actually many texts where the new saint refers to the family. Above all we see the family treated in two encyclicals.

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