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Pope Francis   versione testuale
Living Together: The Quality of Married Life.  15/02/2014 Living Together: The Quality of Married Life.
Pope Francis responds to engaged couples/ 2
The Fear of Saying “Forever”  15/02/2014 The Fear of Saying “Forever”
Pope Francis responds to the engaged couples/ 1
God’s Mercy Does Not Exclude Anyone  10/02/2014 God’s Mercy Does Not Exclude Anyone
Echoes from the Diplomatic Corps  06/02/2014 Echoes from the Diplomatic Corps
Generating the Future  05/02/2014 Generating the Future
At the Angelus on Sunday, February 2nd, which coincided with the Italian Day for Life, Pope Francis, strongly encouraged those who defend and promote it
The Vocabulary of Peace is Learned in the Family  15/01/2014 The Vocabulary of Peace is Learned in the Family
The Pope’s address to the Diplomatic Corps - January 13th, 2014
Inside the Plan of God  10/01/2014 Inside the Plan of God
The Pope encouraged the Bishop of Malta to speak out against the Gay Adoption Bill
The Unborn, the Most Vulnerable  08/01/2014 The Unborn, the Most Vulnerable
In the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium,” Pope Francis’ words in defense of unborn life
No to the Unjust Economy   03/01/2014 No to the Unjust Economy
In the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium,” Pope Francis’ words in defense of human life, especially the most vulnerable
Fraternity is Learned in the Family  01/01/2014 Fraternity is Learned in the Family
Pope Francis’ Message for the 47th World Day of Peace, 1 January 2014
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