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Pope Francis   versione testuale
Fraternity is Learned in the Family  21/11/2013 Fraternity is Learned in the Family
Conclusion du Congrès interdisciplinaire sur la crise de l’alliance entre les générations organisé par le Conseil pontifical pour la famille (les 15 et 16 Novembre 2013).
Synod on the Family  06/11/2013 Synod on the Family
Preparatory Document for the III extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops (from 5 to 19 October 2014)
Francis to the Families  29/10/2013 Francis to the Families
Here are the texts pronounced by the Pope Francis in these three days entirely dedicated to the family

Friday 25th, Speech to the General Assembly of the Dicastery; Saturday 26th,To the Families in the Pilgrimage, the Video; Sunday 27th, Homily, Angelus, the Video of the Holy Mass

The three Words of the Family  14/10/2013 The three Words of the Family
On Sunday,13 October 2013, The Holy Mass of Pope for the Marian Day, on the occasion of the Year of Faith
The Family, a Vocation that Requires Courage  09/10/2013 The Family, a Vocation that Requires Courage
Pope Francis at the Encounter with the young people in Assisi, on Friday, October 4th, 2013
Extraordinary Synod about Family  08/10/2013 Extraordinary Synod about Family
Can a Crushed Person Live  04/10/2013 Can a Crushed Person Live
All the families in prayer with Pope Francis on the pilgrimage to Assisi, on Friday October 4th 2013
The Pope of the Family “Holy now!”  30/09/2013 The Pope of the Family “Holy now!”
The Pope convokes the consistory for the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II
Lord, look at our families!  24/09/2013 Lord, look at our families!
Pope Francis at the encounter with the world of labor Cagliari, on Sunday September 22th
“Each unborn child bears the face of the Lord”  23/09/2013 “Each unborn child bears the face of the Lord”
In his Speech to the Catholic Gynecologists, the Pope reaffirmed the sanctity of life: the unborn, the elderly, the sick «cannot be discarded!».
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