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Pope Francis   versione testuale
The first Pope's words  20/03/2013 The first Pope's words
The Homilies of Pope Bergoglio on the Family...  20/03/2013 The Homilies of Pope Bergoglio on the Family...
A the time when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires
Families Greet Pope Francis  18/03/2013 Families Greet Pope Francis

The Pontifical Council for Families has received many messages of congratulations and good wishes from families in various countries around the world. We are publishing some of them, in the name of many others.

Pope Francis and the Family  14/03/2013 Pope Francis and the Family

The newly elected Pope Francis, Card. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is a member of the Presidential Committee of our Pontifical Council for the Family since May 14, 2001, two and a half months after he was created Cardinal. In our magazine “Familia et Vita” n. 3/2005 (pp. 124-133), we published his Pastoral Letter on Childhood...

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