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Pope Francis   versione testuale
Never Profit's Hostage  26/08/2015 Never Profit's Hostage
At the General Audience the Pope talks about the relationship between family and work: "Work gives dignity, but the family is not a burden"
A Gift for the Family  26/08/2015 A Gift for the Family
At the General Audience, Pope Francis spoke about celebrations: "If there is room for the whole family, they are more successful"
Special Attention  14/07/2015 Special Attention
From Bolivia, Pope Francis' words on the family, "the foundation of human society"
Joy is Possible  09/07/2015 Joy is Possible
In the homily during the Mass in Guayaquil, Pope Francis spoke about wounded families: "Recover with the help of Mary"
The Tears of the Children  25/06/2015 The Tears of the Children
At the General Audience, Pope Francis speaks about family conflicts that lead to separation and divorce
 This is for mom, when she comes back  23/06/2015 "This is for mom, when she comes back"
Small Gestures  22/06/2015 Small Gestures
In the Encyclical "Praise be to You," Francis speaks about the family as "the place of the culture of life and respect"
That Black Hole  18/06/2015 That Black Hole
In his catechesis, Pope Francis talks about death in the family and the hope that "every tear will be dried"
A Gift for Man and Woman  17/06/2015 A Gift for Man and Woman
Pope Francis to the Bishops of Latvia and Estonia: "A strong will to promote the family"
Neither Opposition nor Subordination  12/06/2015 Neither Opposition nor Subordination
During the meeting with the Bishops of Puerto Rico on their Ad Limina Visit, the Pope spoke about the relationship between man and woman, warning about gender ideology
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