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Pope Francis   versione testuale
Hidden Heroism  11/06/2015 Hidden Heroism
At the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis spoke about the rapport between the family and illness
Little Heroes of Life  08/06/2015 Little Heroes of Life
The Pillar of Society  04/06/2015 The Pillar of Society
The Pope, at the General Audience on the family, said: "Even in poverty, families miraculously continue to be formed"
 I will betroth you to me forever  03/06/2015 "I will betroth you to me forever"
Responsible, Always  21/05/2015 Responsible, Always
Pope Francis' Catechesis on parents: "It is time for fathers and mothers to come back from their exile and reassume their full educational role"
Those Essential Words  15/05/2015 Those Essential Words
In his catechesis, Pope Francis spoke again about the value of "please", "sorry" and "thank you" for a "happy and steadfast" life
It Takes Courage  07/05/2015 It Takes Courage
Pope Francis at the Audience on the beauty of Christian marriage: "Love as Christ loves the Church"
This is the masterpiece!  05/05/2015 This is the masterpiece!
LaBoda family analyzes the Pope’s catechesis
Society's Masterpiece  30/04/2015 Society's Masterpiece
The Pope's General Audience on marriage: "The bond between man and woman blessed by God since creation"
A Stable and Generative Alliance  23/04/2015 A Stable and Generative Alliance
Pope Francis in the Wednesday Catechesis: "Restore the honor of marriage and the family"
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