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The Pastor Pope Speaks   versione testuale
Presentation of Karol Wojtyła’s book “Costruire la casa sulla roccia,” on Wednesday June 12

“Costruire la casa sulla roccia” (“Building the House on the Rock”), Karol Wojtyła’s book of spiritual Exercises for engaged couples, published posthumously by Editrice Punto Famiglia, in 2013, with a preface by the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, will be presented at the Dicastery, on Wednesday, June 12th, at 16:00 (Sala Pio XI, Piazza San Calisto 16 - Rome).
«A Pastor who will become a great Pope speaks in this book. Let us treasure up his wisdom, which continues to amaze those who receive it», we can read, among other things, in the foreword by Msgr. Paglia, who will attend the presentation.
Card. José Saraiva Martins, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, will also be present.
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