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Synod on the Family 
2014-2015: The Path of the Synod on the Family
22/10/2015 The Reports of the Small Groups The texts of the latest working session, focused on the third part of the Instrumentum Laboris |
20/10/2015 Through a Woman's Eyes True stories of families told by 23 women auditors at the Synod |
19/10/2015 The Permanent Sacrament The reports of the Working Groups on the second part of the Instrumentum Laboris have been published |
15/10/2015 Small Groups Reports Presentations during the 4th General Congregation on the first part of the Instrumentum Laboris |
13/10/2015 Multiple Points of View, One Body At the Synod, the Small Group Reports on the first part of the Instrumentum Laboris have been presented |
13/10/2015 Synod, the New Reference Point Various statements published recently by Vatican media show more clearly how the Synod is the organism directing all the Church's work in what concerns the family |
12/10/2015 Mercy in the Law, Walking Together Start with mercy and then apply the principles. This is the order that the Father General of the Jesuits, a member of the Committee for the Final Report of the Assembly, invited his listeners to follow in the synodal discussion |
12/10/2015 Witnesses of the Family The spouses Galindo and Nkosi, auditors at the Synod, spoke in recent days at the General Congregations |
07/10/2015 "This is not a parliament" Opening the synod, Pope Francis warns its members against relegating the assistance of the Holy Spirit to the background |
07/10/2015 The Danger of Bureaucratic Formalism Card. Erdo presented the Introductory Report for the work of the Synod. Among other points, he highlighted the change in human behavior and assistance for families and marriages in crisis |