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Synod on the Family   versione testuale
2014-2015: The Path of the Synod on the Family

Africa, Europe, Family  31/05/2015 Africa, Europe, Family
The Bishops of the two continents will meet from 28 to 31 May in Mozambique to discuss strengths and weaknesses of the domestic cell
If the Media Ignore the Pope  30/05/2015 If the Media Ignore the Pope
During an editorial presentation at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Sandro Magister complained that some of the media have overshadowed the Holy Father's most recent interventions on the family, which are "all in favor of the doctrine and traditional practice."
A New Light  20/05/2015 A New Light
In Bratislava, the Bishops of Central and Eastern Europe discussed family ministry
The Proposal of a  Third Way  09/05/2015 The Proposal of a "Third Way"
In an essay published in Nova & Vetera, the theologian Michelet imagines a new form of penance, modeled on the example of the early Church
An Ice Age? A Future without the Family  05/05/2015 An Ice Age? A Future without the Family
An interview with Father Paolo Gentili, Director of Family Ministry of the Italian Bishops' Conference
Brazilian Bishops chosen to take part in the Synod on the family  01/05/2015 Brazilian Bishops chosen to take part in the Synod on the family
United in Prayer for the Synod  16/04/2015 United in Prayer for the Synod
The prayer for the upcoming Synod on the family that Pope Francis asked all the faithful to pray to support its preparation and work can be downloaded in several languages
The Voice of the Families at the Synod  14/04/2015 The Voice of the Families at the Synod
The Participants of the Synod  09/04/2015 The Participants of the Synod
Pope Francis has ratified the Members and Substitutes appointed by the entities entitled to participate in the assembly
Room for All the Voices  17/02/2015 Room for All the Voices
Bishop Liam MacDaid encouages the Church of Ireland to respond to the questionnaire on the family
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