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Synod on the Family   versione testuale
2014-2015: The Path of the Synod on the Family

The Synod & After  24/10/2014 The Synod & After
At the European University, a reflection on "The Hope of the Family" with Cardinal Müller and Msgrs. Melina and Negri
The Fruit of Collegiality  21/10/2014 The Fruit of Collegiality
The Relatio Synodi was presented and voted, one number after the other. An inclusive document where the consensus, in some cases less and in others greater, is notable
Conjugal love, one of the Most Beautiful Miracles  21/10/2014 Conjugal love, one of the Most Beautiful Miracles
Presentation of the Message of the Extraordinary Synod. The Bishops remind us of the importance of a precise itinerary of love so that the union between two people may be genuine
Journeying Together  21/10/2014 Journeying Together
His Holiness, in the closing speech to the Synod, expressed great satisfaction over the attentive and sincere discussion among the Synod Fathers as they worked
Starting Again from the Family  20/10/2014 Starting Again from the Family
The ten reports of the Working Groups have been published. Group "Italico C": "The family is a school that prepares us for life"
The Small Groups are at Work  20/10/2014 The Small Groups are at Work
Cardinal Sistach and Msgr. Fisichella reported on some of the issues addressed in the Synod’s working groups
Doctrine and Life: A Challenging Rapport  20/10/2014 Doctrine and Life: A Challenging Rapport
On Thursday morning Cardinal Shönborn talked about the vocation of the Synod and of the sacrament of confession administered to those who, within the family, are injured or in difficulty
Prayer during the Synod  17/10/2014 Prayer during the Synod
The Family Today: Between Vocation and Mission  16/10/2014 The Family Today: Between Vocation and Mission
Pope Francis has convoked the Ordinary Synod on the Family for October 2015
God's Will for the Family  16/10/2014 God's Will for the Family
Bishop Jean Laffitte in an interview with "Famille chrétienne": "A new way to experience beauty"
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