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Synod on the Family   versione testuale
2014-2015: The Path of the Synod on the Family

The Family: Haven of Faith and Humanity  15/10/2014 The Family: Haven of Faith and Humanity
At the Extraordinary Synod the small-group discussions have begun. One of their moderators, Cardinal Filoni, talks about his experience in Iraq and addresses some of the issues discussed by the Assembly
The Synod Thanks the Families Faithful to the Gospel  15/10/2014 The Synod Thanks the Families Faithful to the Gospel
At the XI General Congregation of the Extraordinary Synod, the Fathers added some details to the Relatio post disceptationem in order to facilitate the task of the Working Groups
Divine pedagogy Illuminates the Synod  14/10/2014 Divine pedagogy Illuminates the Synod
The Relatio post disceptationem was presented on October 13th. The Synod Fathers, guided by the law of gradualness, have pointed out the main problems with respect to the family today and have given them the first answers
The Family: Communion in Justice  14/10/2014 The Family: Communion in Justice
The X General Congregation of the Synod was held on Friday afternoon. For all the representatives of the other Christian confessions, the family is the foundation of society constantly at risk
Laity in the Public Defense of the Family  14/10/2014 Laity in the Public Defense of the Family
At the IX General Congregation of the Synod the Auditors took the floor. It was remarked that greater use should be made of the experience and talents of the laity in the field of the family
The Synod:  Peace for the Families in the Middle East  13/10/2014 The Synod: "Peace for the Families in the Middle East"
The Synod Fathers gathered around the Pope asked the International Community to re-establish peace on Iraq, Syria and all the Middle East
Legal Ambiguity Represents a Danger for Women  13/10/2014 Legal Ambiguity Represents a Danger for Women
Unclear expressions on the international level endanger the integrity of rights intended to protect women. This topic was discussed on Thursday afternoon at the Extraordinary Synod
Children:Sources of Joy and Faith  12/10/2014 Children:Sources of Joy and Faith
The VII General Congregation of the Synod met on Thursday morning. On the agenda: "The Pastoral Challenges concerning Openness to Life"
God’s Grace is Present in even the Most Difficult Situations  11/10/2014 God’s Grace is Present in even the Most Difficult Situations
On the afternoon of 8 October, a Synod animated by mercy addressed, among other issues, those related to divorced and remarried persons
The Family in the Middle East and North Africa  09/10/2014 The Family in the Middle East and North Africa
Poverty, migration, intermarriage and religious fundamentalism: these topics emerged on Wednesday morning at the Extraordinary Synod, in relation with the Churches of two of the world’s most troubled areas
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