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A Handbook for Married Couples 
Questions and short answers on issues that are relevant today and always, in a new book edited by Father Augusto Sarmiento
This volume composed of fifteen chapters, 180 pages, and 80 questions, is addressed to engaged couples. The "Vademecum per i matrimonio" (Handbook for Married Couples) was written by Fr. Augusto Sarmiento, Consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family, in collaboration with Msgr. Mario Iceta. The work is centered issues and concerns that may affect future spouses: marriage as a sacrament and civil marriage, procreation, conjugal love, birth control, artificial insemination, respect and care for nascent life, and the education of children. Each section is structured like the catechism: there are questions and answers, and also bibliographical references for further study. Some examples: Can a couple get married in church if one of them is not baptized? What are the requirements to celebrate the sacrament of marriage? If procreation is one of the purposes of marriage, how should a couple behave in case of conjugal sterility, and when are medical interventions legitimate?
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