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Marriage as a Place of the Growth of the Human Person   versione testuale
Second day of the Synod’s debate. Among the many proposals: committed renewal to accompanying married couples

On Tuesday morning the general debate of the Extraordinary Synod on the family continued. One hundred eighty-four Synod Fathers were present at the III General Congregation. Many fundamental topics were touched on in nearly ten interventions presented to the Assembly and Pope Francis. However, particular attention was paid to the accompaniment of married couples, with proposals to cultivate the conditions that make marriage valid and fruitful: "It is necessary to transmit a vision of marriage that does not regard it as a destination, but rather as a path to a higher end, a road towards the growth of the person and of the couple, a source of strength and energy. The decision to marry is a true vocation and as such requires fidelity and coherence in order to become a true locus for the growth and the protection of the human being."
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