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Good news regarding marriage and the challenge of Scripture 
Bishop Laffitte gives his backing to new resources for married couplet

“Two in one flesh” is the name of a group of couples and a priest who are providing resources to support, uphold and strengthen the beauty and sanctity of marriage. They believe that God speaks to us all in our marriages when we take the time to listen to Him. Jesus said "I am with you always" (Mt 28:20), and “I am with you”, years A,B,C, are books they have written which are weekly reflections for couples on the readings for every Sunday and most Feast day Mass throughout each of the liturgical years. These are available through their website as is their booklet Two in One Flesh - Towards a meaningful understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage. All these resources for couples and priests have the backing of the Hierarchy. The Cardinals (past and present) of Westminster in England: Murphy-O'Connor and Vincent Nichols, both provided Forewords for their books. “New” is for this coming liturgical year (Year B), is a Word Doc online Book called “Marriage matters” which can be downloaded free of charge. This contains the essence of their “I am with you” (year B) weekly reflections. They have been reduced to a maximum of 60 words and made available to be used within Parish newsletters, websites or blogs. These inspiring and very human considerations sow seeds of hope, offer meaningful challenges and encourage an openness in couples to deepen their relationship with each other and with God. Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary to the Pontifical Council for the Family, has himself written a very positive and encouraging Foreword for this remarkable and unique online Book “Marriage matters”.
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