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Laity in the Public Defense of the Family 
At the IX General Congregation of the Synod the Auditors took the floor. It was remarked that greater use should be made of the experience and talents of the laity in the field of the family
The Church "needs to listen more to laypeople in the search for solutions to the problems of families, especially in relation to the sphere of intimacy in the life of couples." This is one of the points that emerged from the 15 interventions made by Auditors (six married couples and nine single Auditors) on Friday morning, at the IX General Congregation of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family. Among the various testimonies and proposals, the Auditors also stressed "the need for greater dialogue between Church and State, also through the efforts of lay faithful who, without motivations of personal ambition, know how to promote the protection of the rights of the family and the defense of life, working for a State with a human face. The laity, it was remarked, must be active and competent in the public defense of the values of life and the family."
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