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Divine pedagogy Illuminates the Synod 
The Relatio post disceptationem was presented on October 13th. The Synod Fathers, guided by the law of gradualness, have pointed out the main problems with respect to the family today and have given them the first answers

The preparation of the engaged for marriage and accompanying couples during the first years of married life, the positive aspects recognizable in civil unions and cohabitation, the reception of homosexual persons and care of families wounded by separation: these are some of the issued that the Synod Fathers discussed last week. All these topics were taken up in the Relatio post disceptationem of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, presented on Monday, October 13th, by the General Rapporteur, Cardinal Peter Erdö, at the XI General Congregation. The entire Synod has marked by illumination and inspiration—the document recalled—, yet they come as always from the face of Jesus: in fact, "from the moment that the order of creation is determined by orientation towards Christ, it becomes necessary to distinguish without separating the various levels through which God communicates the grace of the covenant to humanity. Through the law of gradualness (cf. Familiaris Consortio, 34), typical of divine pedagogy, this means interpreting the nuptial covenant in terms of continuity and novelty, in the order of creation and in that of redemption."
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