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The Synod: 46 Questions to the World's Families 
On Tuesday, December 9th, the "Lineamenta" for the XIV General Assembly of the Synod were published. This Synod will take place from 4 to 25 October 2015, on the theme: The vocation and mission of the family in the Church and in the contemporary world
This document is composed essentially of the Relatio Synodi drafted by the Synod Assembly last October. However, to facilitate the reception of the synodal document and examine more closely the issues it deals with, the Relatio is accompanied by a series of questions, which will help to continue the synodal process which has already begun and to prepare the Instrumentum laboris for the next Ordinary Syond. The President of the Pontifical Council, Msgr. Paglia commented on the release of this document: "The publication of the Lineamenta reanimates and instructs the debate in the Church on the topics that were discussed at the last Synod and need further investigation. I invite all the local churches and organizations to consider these key points of families' lives with creativeness, passion and wisdom. The extraordinary experience of walking together in the Church, called ‘Synod’, continues. "
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