Next May a referendum on same-sex "marriage" will be held in Ireland, where 76% of citizens is preparing to vote in favor of it, at least according to what the polls say. Now, a few days ago the Irish Bishops' Conference published a document entitled "The Meaning of Marriage" in which they say that marriage is the single most important institution for a society, the "unique and complementary relationship between a woman and a man", and that their children can only be properly raised and educated in the context of this marriage.
The text of the Irish Bishops highlights three important points: the "no" to "marriage" between persons of the same sex is not based only on reasons of Catholic morality but also on "rational" ones, based on "biological facts", that everyone should accept in the name of the common good; whatever the formulation of the law in Ireland may be, in the end "marriage" could only include adoptions. Finally, reserving marriage and institutions similar to marriage exclusively for stable union of a man and a woman, neither violates the rights of homosexuals nor denies them respect. On the other hand, this does not mean ignoring that "everyone in various kinds of committed relationships should have the assurance that they will be protected when their relationship ceases, whether by death or by a breakdown of the relationship." This is not a problem "that concerns only same sex relationships," and it can obviously be solved by measures other than marriage.
Finally, the bishops urge Catholics not to be merely silent witness but to take the field to protect the family, which is being threatened and attacked from all sides.