Address by H. E. Cardinal Ennio ANTONELLI [Italian]
Introduction by H. E. Card. Norberto RIVERA CARRERA [Italian]
I. The family: a work of creation and a celebration of salvation. H. E. Card. Gianfranco RAVASI [Italian]
II. The family, work and celebration in today’s world. Prof. Luigino BRUNI [Italian]
Afternoon 1, Part I. The family as a resource for society Presentation of the sociological research Pierpaolo DONATI [English] Francesco BELLETTI [Italian] Giovanna ROSSI [Italian] Chaired by Mons. Carlos SIMON VAZQUEZ [Italian][Spanish]
2. Reconciling family, work and celebration: some good practices Speech byNuria CHINCHILLA [English]
Testimony: Miriam FILELLA Testimony: Enzo ROSSI [Italian] Testimony: José Jacinto IGLESIAS SOARES [English] Chaired by Marco TARQUINIO
3. Family and global communication: the need for a change Speech by Josè Luis RESTAN [Spanish] Presentation by Piercesare RIVOLTELLA Presentation by Norberto GONZALES GAITANO [Italian]
Chaired by Fabio BOLZETTA.
4. Migration and family Speech by H. E. Mgr. Gilbert GARCERA [English] Speech by H. E. Mgr. Nicholas DIMARZIO [English] Testimony by Mr. and Mrs. JUAREZ [Italian] Testimony by Mr. and Mrs GOMEZ [English] Chaired by don Giancarlo QUADRI
5. Work and celebration in economically advanced countries Public debate with H. E. Card. Philippe BARBARIN [French] Ferruccio DE BORTOLI [Italian] Chaired by H. E. Mgr. Franco Giulio BRAMBILLA [Italian]
6. A time for work and a time for celebration: Catholic schools and family Speech by Sergio CICATELLI [Italian] Testimony by Mr. and Mrs KIRINCIC [English] Testimony by Mr. and Mrs BORGIA [Italian] Testimony by P. José Antonio VEGA [Spanish] [Italian] [French] Chaired by Jacopo DE VECCHI.
7. Helping our children discover the deeper meaning of work Round table Eugenia SCABINI [Italian] Gerardo CASTILLO [Spanish] Mr. and Mrs RENARD [French] Chaired by p. Hugo SARTORIO [Italian]
8. Grandparents and the elderly: witnesses of faith and practical assistance for young families Speech by Catherine WILEY [English] Speech by Mr. and Mrs GILLINI [Italian] Speech by Gabriella BIADER [Italian] Speech by Hélène DURAND BALLIVET [French] Chaired by Renata Maderna.