Minutes of the meeting between H. E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia and H. E. Cardinal, Chibly Langlois Bishop of Les Cayes (Haiti)
While extending a warm welcome to H. E. Cardinal, Chibly Langlois, Bishop of Les Cayes, Haiti, our President, H. E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, congratulated His Eminence for his appointment as Cardinal, and shared with him the joy of how His Holiness’ choice also demonstrates his singular support and concern for the poor and their families of His Eminence’s beloved country.
His Eminence then shared with His Excellency the overwhelming happiness of the Haitian people and families at the news of his appointment. He commented upon the fact that, even while today, they are still reeling under the effects of the devastating earthquake, the Haitian people are nevertheless, always filled with a wonderful and unswerving faith in the Lord, and have a remarkable sense of thanksgiving and joy. Hence, the announcement came to them as a source of national jubilation. Indeed, the Cardinal also informed His Excellency that the announcement of his appointed by the Holy Father providentially coincided with the fourth anniversary of the January 12, 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti. As His Excellency, our President, delighted at the news of Haiti’s celebration, he enquired from His Eminence, about the situation of families in his country and his diocese. In response, His Eminence noted that, in addition to widespread poverty, the situation of families in Haiti is aggravated by a very low rate of employment. For such reasons, many family members are forced to emigrate and provide thus, for basic and urgent family needs. The vast majority of Haitian families are therefore, dependent on the so called Haitian “Diaspora”. Regrettably, said the Cardinal, while countless family members, including husbands, fathers and even wives and mothers, are forced to leave their home, spouse and children, families relationships suffer tremendously, and prolonged physical separation of spouses can sometimes become the catalyst for infidelity and marriage breakdown. On a positive note, however, families are indeed, very much supported by the commendable sacrifice that their loved ones are making while away from home. Indeed, said the Cardinal, their efforts and pain avoid a far worth situation of poverty for their family members and children, as they provide enable them with countless possibilities for health, development, education, and for a more dignified life. The Cardinal also noted that the good brought about by Haitian emigration goes beyond that of the wonderful assistance given to their families, as their great faith and love for God, becomes too, a strong and positive influence upon society and families abroad. His Excellency then expressed his support to Haitian families, and praised them for their evident sense of family unity, which indeed, as witness for society, is also a welcome antidote to a contemporary individualism that so much threatens the institutions of Marriage and the Family. The meeting concluded with His Excellency expressing his closeness to all poor families and to the countless members who sacrifice so much abroad in order to give support and sustenance to their loved ones.
Link http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2014/02/21/haiti:_freude_mitten_in_der_trauer/ted-775198
Link http://it.radiovaticana.va/news/2014/02/22/il_neo-porporato_langlois,_primo_cardinale_haitiano_della_storia:/it1-775334