From the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of AMECEA, an appeal to "respect, promote and protect" the family "at any cost"
Defense of the family founded on the marriage between a man and a woman, and prayer for peace in every part of the world, are the focal points of the final message of the Plenary of the Association of Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), which brings together the bishops of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The working session, which closed on July 26th, in Lilongwe, Malawi, was attended by over 150 delegate prelates and Msgr. Paglia also took part. The assembly reflected on the theme "The New Evangelization through a true conversion and witness of the Christian faith."
In their final message, the Bishops dwell on "the family as the nucleus of life," pointing out the "threats" from which the family is suffering today, because of "the crisis of marriage, the weakening of morality, the attacks on the family unit, poverty, and unemployment." In this context, the Church is committed "to protecting the family-domestic Church," by offering "pastoral care to all families in difficulty" and "condemning all forms of domestic violence." Consequently, the Bishops request that the family be "respected, promoted and protected" "at any cost", as a "main pillar of human life and society," and strongly condemn "homosexual unions and other abuses, contrary to human nature and the natural law."
The Bishops then consider the new technologies and young people: with respect to the former, AMECEA recalls the importance of these technologies in the life of the Church as "modern means for proclaiming the Gospel," even though—at the same time—they call for "responsible use". Concerning Africa’s children and youth, the Bishops urge parents and educators "to teach them the ways of God" and to protect "them against abuse." This last point was faced by African Bishops with special regard to the Catholic educational institutions: through them—AMECEA repeated—, "the Church is able to evangelize and participate in the responsible development of the members of society," by working in order to "provide moral and spiritual guidance to students and faculty."