PCPF eng - Events
Three Years of Publications in Service of the Family
This year‘s plan of the PCF‘s publishing has been presented, along with an overview of the publications produced in recent years

At the Conference of the family movements and associations, a video illustrated the major publications prepared by the Pontifical Council for the Family in the last three years. Among these, the most outstanding are to those dedicated to deepening the Magisterium, for example in the recent volume Gli insegnamenti di Jorge Mario Bergoglio-Papa Francesco sulla famiglia e sulla vita (1999-2014) (The teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio – Pope Francis on the Family and Life), and the book that makes the fruits of the most recent World Meeting of the Families, in Milan in 2012, available, with the proceedings collected in a special issue of our Dicastery‘s series "Familia et Vita."
No less important are the books composed in the aftermath of conferences and days of study, such as the recent volume Ho ricevuto, ho trasmesso. La crisi dell’alleanza tra le generazioni (I have received, I have transmitted. The crisis of the alliance between the generations), published in 2014, and the most recent books Famiglia prima impresa (Family before business) and Famiglia custodisci il creato (Family, Protect Creation) (2015). Among the PCF‘s publications, books for younger audiences also shine forth: a series of texts ranging from Ciao, Papa! Families in dialogue with Benedict XVI (2012) and Welcome to the Council! Vatican II on the family (2014) as well as the two latest, fresh off the press, Famiglia evangelizza te stessa e il mondo! (Family, evangelize yourself and the world!) and Il Sinodo. Intervista sulla famiglia all’Arcivescovo Vincenzo Paglia (The Synod. An interview on the family with Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia) (both 2015).
Finally, the next two, greatly awaited books edited by the PCF, which will be published later this year, were presented: "Family and poverty" and "Families and imperfect love."
PCF Publications (2012-2015)

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 30-GEN-15

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