PCPF eng - Church
A Path, not a Parliament
Cardinal Baldisseri: "In the Synod, the Holy Spirit guides us"

"After all, our life is in constant contact with God’s universal plan. Therefore, we do not know how things will go. On this road we see the Synod as a path to walk down together and not a parliament, because it passes through the consent of the Spirit." Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, gave this response in an interview with Zenit, on the sidelines of the International Conference of family and life movements, groups and associations, recently held in Rome. "Although there may be defects such as careerism or selfishness—he continued—the goal of a Christian and of a Synod Father is to reach communion and consensus, and to give positive responses to today’s problems and questions."
In another interview, Msgr. Renzo Bonetti, president of the Foundation "Famiglia dono grande" and consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family, spoke about the information filtered by the media, which often focuses on particular issues, reducing the Synod’s breadth to a single issue, such as separated and remarried persons. "This is a fact; and I have seen people running the risk of thinking on the basis of information given by the media, and not according to the promptings of the Spirit. We lack the strength of direct communication with people. When the Final Relatio says that indissolubility is a gift, this expression should be enough to make it clear that indissolubility is not merely a container that requires being together, but a way of holiness."
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Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-FEB-15

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