PCPF eng - Church
Three Referendums on the Family
Slovakia speaks out by voting on marriage, adoption and gender theory

The definition of the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman, "no" to adoption for same-sex couples, and freedom of education against the imposition of gender theory in schools. These were questions of yesterday‘s referendum in Slovakia. Vatican Radio interviewed Philip Savarese, spokesman for Italy‘s "Manif pour tous," on the topic.
"People are beginning to understand what is behind this dominating pensée unique, precisely the fact that there are some who want to change millennia of anthropology, millennia of culture in society. People are getting mobilized and, after a number of other initiatives in Europe, the Slovak Republic also decided to anticipate this strong ideological tendency, which–it can be said–is truly haunting Europe." Today, Savarese continues, "cultural and philosophical forces are trying in every possible way to impose gender ideology, the ideology of sexual indifference according to which ‘man‘ and ‘woman‘ are cultural constructs that have nothing to do with the real nature of a person; these forces are now everywhere. However he added–thanks to the work of many organizations, including our ‘Manif pour tous,‘ we often succeed in repelling these attacks, thanks to parents who are better informed, more aware of their rights and their educational freedom. So, we continue going on like this, absolutely certain that once things are out in the open, the game will be won."
Read the entire interview
The referendum sponsored by the Alliance for Families, a group of associations working in social assistance and support to families and children in need, did not reach the quorum of 50 percent necessary for validation, because only 21.4 percent of the voters went to the polls.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 11-FEB-15

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