PCPF eng - Events
Catechesis: Translations Available
The preparatory text for the Meeting in Philadelphia is available only at Amazon, in five languages

The translations of the Preparatory Catechesis for the World Meeting of Families, to be held from 22 to 27 September, in Philadelphia are now available on line, at Amazon. The Preparatory Catechesis, entitled "Love is our mission: the family fully alive", is available in Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Polish. The catechesis plays a central role in each World Meeting of Families, and this will also be the case for the meeting in Philadelphia. The book, which speaks especially about issues concerning the family and marriage, is intended for people of all ages. The ten texts, which form the basis for the meeting’s programs, touch on different topics: "Created for Joy", "The Mission of Love", "The Meaning of Human Sexuality", "Two Become One", "Creating the Future", "Light in a Dark World ","A Home for the Wounded Heart", "Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and Role of the Church", "Choosing Life."
The translations are available only at this link

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 27-FEB-15

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