PCPF eng - Church
Live with Love
Hong Kong’s Bishop, in his message for Lent, calls the faithful to rediscover the family values

Egotism and hedonism "can easily erase the presence of God from our consciousness, confounding His call to be servants in the management of creation;" and, consequently, we can also "forget the value of marriage and the family." Cardinal John Tong, Bishop of Hong Kong, China, writes this in a pastoral letter to the faithful for Lent, adding that temptations make us swell up with pride, so that we follow only our own desires, forgetting the respect due to life. This, then, often leads to drug abuse, addiction, domestic violence and lack of respect for the elderly and children. Today, the family in Hong Kong is faced with many problems that threaten to become great difficulties in the future, also notes the Cardinal, who urges avoiding these consequences. With this objective, Cardinal Tong invites the faithful to act, "beginning with ourselves, so that the values of the family and of human relations can be invigorated", and to live "marriage and family life with love," by spending "more time with the family."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 27-FEB-15

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