PCPF eng - Church
Between Defense and Commitment
From Russia to Germany, efforts are aimed at the protection of the family and life

The protection of life and the family is a priority in Russia. "In recent years, we have introduced several good measures and laws to support family values and demography;" yet—explains Alexey Komov, representative of the World Congress of Families in Russia and at the United Nations as well as member of the Committee for the Family of the Russian Orthodox Church—"there is still much work to be done."
Russia and the Vatican, Komov continues, "are the main defenders of the natural values of human life and dignity at the United Nations; and this is also very symbolic. Our think-tank, FamilyPolicy.ru, publishes comments on new draft laws, proposes modifications in legislation, and provides analysis on various issues. More professional and skilled we are the better. Only by resorting to the experts can we penetrate the various levels of civil society and gain respect for our reasoning." In recent decades, thanks to efforts at various levels, the demographic situation has "improved" and, Komov points out, "the number of abortions in Russia has decreased by 20% in the last 25 years, from four million a year to less than 700,000 at present. The social doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church encourages us to work closely with our Catholic brothers and sisters to promote the protection of life, family, traditional values and social projects."
The family, and in particular the next Synod, were discussed at length in recent days also by the German Bishops gathered for their plenary meeting. "We began by considering last October’s extraordinary general assembly of the Synod of Bishops—says the President of the German Bishops‘ Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx. The results of that meeting, which have become the Lineamenta for the new discussion, and those generated by the new questionnaire indicate how fundamental it is that the family again becomes the dynamic subject of evangelization." Referring to the new questionnaire, which develops some of the themes already addressed last year, the Cardinal points out that, "for us Bishops, in spite of all the controversial issues, it will broaden our horizons and renew the proclamation of the Gospel of the family."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 04-MAR-15

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