PCPF eng - Church
Beautiful Love
The pastoral letter of the Bishop of Gozo, Mario Grech, on the Gospel of sexuality

Starting with the "desire for fulfillment" that dwells "deep in the heart of each person," Msgr. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, develops the reflection of his pastoral letter on the theme "Beautiful Love. The Gospel of Sexuality." This letter draws on the results of the questionnaire in preparation for next October‘s Synod.
It is "well known", writes the Bishop, that man "cannot live without love." "By its very nature, a sexual relationship should be one of the aspects in a couple‘s ongoing dialogue of love: love and sexuality are noble and beautiful dimensions of humanity, for they portray the expression of who we are." Perhaps, noted Msgr. Grech, "we need to establish the link between ‘beautiful love‘ and sexuality."
According to a national study conducted by "Dar Ġużeppa Debono," he continues, "it is clear that, in general, the disordered sexual behavior in vogue among our teenagers is a symptom of the lack of love they experience. The lack of love in the family, in schools and in society, leads some teenagers to feel that life is aimless, while they harbor in their hearts the longing for love."
"Through Christ‘s message–writes the Bishop–, the Church looks to man‘s greatness and engages in the mission of helping adolescents and young people to believe more in themselves and to turn their desires into reality. [...] In order to carry out this mission, we must be leaders in the sexual education of our children." When sex education "provides only scientific and technical knowledge, while ignoring the psychological, emotional, social and spiritual teaching, it is incomplete. Serious scientific information is needed, but it should be integrated with other important aspects, so that all information fits into the overall picture of the complex dynamics of sexuality."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 27-APR-15

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